Chapter 3 - Why your old neighbourhood (The North Shore) feels like it doesn't get new amenities while the new 'wealthy suburbs' do

AKA - why you need to be more YIMBY and less NIMBY in older areas. Have you ever noticed how the oldest neighbourhoods seem to get the least love when it comes to City facilities and amenities? As a proud resident of the North Shore, I love our weird web of streets, the flat terrain making casual walking and cycling accessible and fun for people 8 to 80. But despite decades of City Plans promising reinvestment and despite decades of lobbying by residents - the North Shore is not getting bike lanes, or repaved streets, or sidewalks, or new street trees, or better road crossing, or traffic calming or other investments in community amenities. Most of the dilapidated homes and garages remain just as dilapidated, while the average price of a home has nearly doubled in 10 years. Instead, amenities like the public pools are removed, mature trees are cut down without being replaced, lots sit empty, and other homes continue to crumble in dilapidated state - while the City starts to follow the r...