Chapter 6 - We have a shortage of apartments, so people are just turning single family homes into apartments

Aka: Why you need to support as many new apartments in Multi-Family Zones as we could possibly build, and they should be built as soon as we can The premise: All the restrictive zoning holding back Apartments in Urban areas is: Driving up the cost of single-family homes Turning single family homes into illegal apartment buildings The demographic of people in homes has changed dramatically in 50 years, as have lifestyles Lowering the quality of life for those who lack the privilege of choice in housing Creating the traffic and parking issues that NIMBYs hate about apartments Reducing the effectiveness of our transit system "People don't want to live in Apartments" ---------------------------------------------------------- This is Chapter 6 to an series of articles about housing affordability, infill and urban development. If you are interested in the topic the past subjects are listed below: Chapter 1: How Infill lowers property taxes Chapert 2: How Suburban Deve...