Chapter 7 - Living in an Urban place is only a "Choice" for a few and the ideological
Previous chapters: Chapter 1: How Infill lowers property taxes Chapert 2: How Suburban Development and Strip Malls kill Local Business Chapter 3: How NIMBYism creates pot holes - and why the burbs get all the nice stuff Chapter 4: Why Housing Affordability Depends On Infill and Density Increases Chapter 5.1: Case Study on Small Lot Commercial Infill Chapter 5.2 Case Study on Normal Tranquille Infill Lot Chapter 6: We have a shortage of apartments, so people are just turning single family homes into apartments --------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have a huge mental hurdle when we talk about Urban development right now. We keep applying "sub-urban" ideas to urban areas. For most of our lives, and for most of us, we have never spent much, or even, any time in really high quality urban areas. For this reason, we don't see how suburban ideas, regulations and ways of living don't translate into urban sit...