IDEA Series - Red Bridge as Multi Use Path linking Overlander Park and Riverside Park

Ah yes - yee old Red Bridge. Featured on socks, pictured in post cards. The Trestle Bridge; once a hallmark of Canada, especially the West, these trestle bridges are becoming more rare, but also nearing the end of their useful life. At the time they were built (1936 in this case), they were marvels of vernacular engineering. Meaning they were built with materials that were present where the structure was being built. Today we import materials from all over the world to construct something - but these bridges were built with materials found near to the site, and assembled in a brilliant way for material conservation. This type of timber framing is simple, incredibly strong, flexible and resilient - and constructed nearly by hand. In any case, the Red Bridge will reach a time where it needs to be replaced. Its narrow roadway between 17' and 18'9" wide, and its load capacity, do not line up with the industrial traffic the Mt Paul Industrial Park that the bridge accesses real...