North Shore Dis-Advantage : Parks

The City of Kamloops is huge, surrounded by Nature all around. That is a good thing. Proper wilderness is only a few clicks north. But North Kamloops, home to most of the Kamloops residential population, and at its highest densities, likely to get higher, is most lacking in park area. North Kamloops is best positioned to absorb the most amount of infill, from the flat land, to the sandy soil, to the river access, existing transit and a large amount of under-developed land. Living on the North Shore is great, and will continue to get better as more folks move to the neighbourhood - more and more neighbourhood businesses will be supported, the parks and streets will get safer with more foot traffic, and the access to all the cities jobs with the shortest possible commute make the North Shore desirable now, and that will only grow. But in order to maintain the best quality of life for our Cities residents, especially those on and moving to the North Shore, we need to address th...